Sunday, September 18, 2011

Atlanta, Georgia Father Denied Visitation Sept 16, 2011

It's Saturday morning, 5:00 a.m.  I can't sleep.  I went to bed about 1:30 am thinking that I would sleep late today but woke up and couldn't stop thinking about my daughter.  This was another weekend I was suppose to have her and, YES, another weekend of denial. It's like a heavy weight is laying on my chest and I can't get it off.

The mental and physical torture that comes with this ordeal is amazing.

I had tried to attempt to let this weekend pass without having to deal with what has become a routine at this point.  I knew I would not get my daughter once again and the mental torture that goes on through the week of bantering back and forth with my X is just physically and mentally exhausting and then to be dealt the final blow of not seeing my daughter is just too much to take. 

So the whole week is a struggle.  I just didn't want to go through it again so I waited to see if there was going to be any interaction from the X.  Usually it starts on Monday or Tuesday but this time she waited until Thursday to send an email.  Very short this time.

I responded and then I receive the regular lengthy letter highlighting my great qualities and inability to perform as a puppet for her.  The denial of visitation and have a good weekend.  

I did show up at her house though, as usual and found the car in the garage but nobody home.  I dropped off the child support payment and card for my daughter.  I wonder if she will get it.  And I better drop off the child support payment or I will go to jail.  

This is why there just has to be some changes made.  If I don't drop off the child support payment for the months I haven't seen my daughter there would be a warrant for my arrest. 

How does the mother gets to keep the child from the father even though the same document that states the child support payment also states the visitation agreement? 

How are they different?  If I was not to pay child support then I would owe the money for the back support that was not paid.  Why don't we get the back time that was taken from us.  We might not ever get visitation, how is this possible in our culture.  A culture that spends so much time talking about how important it is to have a father in the children's lives does nothing to help a father that is blatantly being denied the right to be in his child's life. 

It has gotten to the point of watching other father's and families interact and knowing I am just missing such an important part of my daughter's life.  I will never get this back yet there is nothing I can do about it that I haven't already done.  I have taken it to the courts, I talk to my lawyer but nothing is being done except precious time is continuing to pass.  

I shot a short video of the attempted pick up.  

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